Can a fortress created for a military purpose be a place capable of inspiring the creativity of a great poet?
Apparently so, if it is true that Petrarch spent quite some time here and ran his Triumphi in these halls.
Not even later did culture leave the halls of this castle, thanks to the great care taken in setting up the museum now located there: if it used to defend the inhabitants, now the castle defends their memory!
Inside you will find a very interesting exhibition illustrating the rural life that for centuries marked time in the surrounding countryside, while in the multimedia part of the museum you can learn more about the history of this complex of fortifications that characterized the border between the Republic of Venice and the territories of Milan.
Even now these defensive works capture the attention of visitors by configuring themselves as distinctive elements of the lower Bergamo landscape, as irreplaceable as the vast cornfields and long, straight tree-lined avenues.