The history of ***Cantina Zatti*** began in the late 1950s, with grandfather Gino: after being involved in wine marketing in Val Trompia, he moved to **Valtenesi**, in **Calvagese della Riviera**, with the intention of starting his own production. He thus bought the structure that now houses the winery, and part of the land that is still cultivated by his son Giovanni and grandson Andrea. Originally, the family owned only the west side of the hill named “Perrone,” but over time they acquired the land on the east side as well. This characteristic-as well as being very poetic as it is possible to observe the rising and setting of the sun-gives different implications in the harvest and different characteristics in the wines produced that although they come from the same hill.
Today, it is Andrea and Giovanni Zatti who carry on this activity out of pure passion and, above all, maintaining the authenticity of a micro-production. Their attention to the process of transforming grapes into wine is at the highest level; moreover, they have been doing certified organic farming since 2018.