The Bertoli Emiliana Farm is located in **Pontoglio**, on the border between the provinces of Brescia and Bergamo.
The production is wide and diverse: in addition to **small fruits**, over time Emiliana has recovered **ancient fruit varieties**, with which she makes 100% natural jams in her laboratory.
The company is then known for **hard and soft wheat flours**, including the typical Brescian Quarantino, from which flour for polenta is made. Whole grain products, which are stone milled while rigorously preserving parts such as the germ and bran, which have very important organoleptic and nutritional properties. Farmyard animals and vegetables of various kinds complete the picture.
Under the beautiful porch, Emiliana delights guests with specialties cooked directly in her workshop. In addition, believing in the fundamental importance of food education of the new generations and contact with nature, she often welcomes school groups or groups of people with disabilities for her **educational and social farm**.