For your stay in Bergamo, not miss the opportunity to spend a few hours taking care of your mental and physical health: treat yourself with an afternoon of customized Ayurvedic treatments. Abhyangham with warm essential oils Shirodhara, Hot stone massage, sound massage with Tibetan singing bowls are just some of the treatments offered by our association.
Ayurveda literally means knowledge of life or science of living, the word is composed by the words ayu, life and veda, knowledge. Ayurveda is part of the tradition and the Vedic literature that Indian culture has preserved for millennia.
Ayurveda deals with life in its totality and its principles have a universal value that goes beyond cultures and time. The knowledge of Ayurveda, which comes to us from ancient times surpassing the test of time, is not in conflict with the knowledge and modern medical systems, it may instead be a valuable addition to it, but above all it is useful to give a fixed direction and complete the life of every individual.
Ayurveda deals with the physical, mental and spiritual, is interested in what is normal and what is abnormal or pathological. According to Ayurveda, health is not only absence of disease, but it is a constant state of contentment and well-being, a state of physical happiness, mental and spiritual. The concept of equilibrium expressed in Ayurveda is not just about the perfect functioning of the various systems and organs of the psyche and spirit, but also extends to a happy coexistence relationship with themselves, with all creatures, with family members, with friends, with work, with the climate and the culture in which we live, with its ideals, with customs, with the truth, with the concept of the divine, and so on.